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Wild Raven Adventure

Mobile (Alabama) / November 16 - 22, 2014

November 16, 2014

We had some surprises today! We received our new wheel kit for portages, courtesy of Mark and Mike Lanser. They worked hard to build a new, efficient and robust system which will help us throughout the rest of our expedition. We are truly grateful for their help and generosity. These new wheels offer new possibilities (and one less worry)! Thank you, thank you and thank you!

We also received our Harvest Foodworks food order with some tasty Snackeroons! :)

In the evening, Grant and Cindy ("As the Crew Flies") have planned a group diner. Grant had caught, the day before, a huge Red Drum fish. He cooked it for all to enjoy ("Last Mango", "Blue Moon", and "Bodacious"). Everyone brought a dish to accompany the fish. Very nice evening!

November 17, 2014

Quiet day. We did laundry and admin.

November 18, 2014

We went with Cindy, Grant, Sharon, King, John and Karen to the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park. We had been to this place in 2005, so we were on familiar ground, but it was pleasant to see the aircrafts, submarine and battleship. We went for lunch in downtown Mobile, at Big Mama! After lunch, a short stop to the Peanut Shop store and back to the marina.

In the evening, we had the confirmation that our new canoe was on its way. It will be here on November 26th. We cannot wait! We feel lost without a canoe. We are grateful for all the help Sharon and King have provided. They took us from Columbus to Mobile and offered us a roof over our heads. But.... we cannot wait to paddle again. It's been two weeks that we have not paddled.

A big thank you to Josh from StressCrete who arranged for the transport of the canoe and keeps us informed on all the developments. He has put a lot of time and energy into this for us, as has Chris and Michael from StressCrete. Thank you to Lynne, also, who made sure to produce a new canoe as quickly as possible. :)

November 19, 2014

This morning we had an appointment with Chantal and Germain of "Pimaro", a sailboat. We helped them to set up their sails (their mast was rigged the day before). We spent a lovely morning with them. And we had the chance to speak French. ;) It was nice to spend time on a sailboat. We miss sailing.

In the evening, we went to dinner at a Mexican karaoke restaurant in Bayou La Batre with King, Sharon, Cindy and Grant. We laughed a lot.

November 20, 2014

Quiet day. We stayed at the marina. In the evening, Sharon cooked a very delicious Gumbo. It was the first time we have had Gumbo. The bar is set high now! Really tasty! Cindy and Grant also joined us. We spent a wonderful evening on "Blue Moon"! Sharon, thank you for the delicious meal!

During the day, Pierre broke a tooth. We called our dentist (Dr. Bouvier from In less than an hour, Dr. Bouvier had given us information and found a dentist in Florida who could help us. Wow! Great service! We were so impressed by their fast answer and their generosity. If you need a good dentist, go see Dr. Bouvier of located in Beauport (QC).

November 21, 2014

King rented a car so we could go to the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola. We really enjoyed our day. The museum visit was exciting and informative. The museum spans over 55,000 square feet. Awesome! If you're in the neighbourhood, go visit the museum because it is worth the look.

Meanwhile, Jasmine spent a beautiful day with Cindy and Grant. She was spoiled and well looked after. It was the first time she has been babysat. We knew that she was in very good hands. Jasmine even received a new medal with her name on an anchor, created by Cindy. Thank you both again for looking after Jasmine.

November 22, 2014

Quiet day. In the evening, we went to dinner with Chantal and Germain on "Pimaro". Wonderful evening! Hours went by fast and it was 11 p.m. when we returned to "Blue Moon". The dinner was delicious and the dessert ... it was true Quebec cuisine! Succulent! Chantal and Germain, thank you for the delicious dinner and for the wonderful evening. We wish you a good journey, beautiful anchorages and a safe passage to Cuba.

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